A curvy woman leaning against a bathroom sink, looking down and smiling at a flower in her hand. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides support for body image issues from a body image therapist. Online therapy is available throughout Utah.

 You hate what you see when you look in the mirror. Putting on a pair of jeans in the morning is something you dread every single day. You find yourself trying on multiple outfits and hating them all. You’re convinced the problem is actually your body. You are fighting back the tears as you drive to work or school; the day has only just begun, and you already feel defeated. It’s hard to think about anything other than how uncomfortable you feel in your skin and in your clothes. You wish you could just hide. You feel embarrassed that other people have to look at you and are convinced they think you look ugly or fat. You entertain all the ways you could change your mind: change how you eat, go to the gym more, or maybe even get surgery. You would do anything if you could just stop feeling this way day after day. This cycle is a daily occurrence for you, and you wish you could make it stop. You’re not sure how long you can keep doing this. Body image therapy can help you stop the cycle.

Reasons women seek body image therapy

  • Feeling preoccupied with your appearance 

  • Your mood is dictated by your body image

  • Avoidance of people or social events because of what you look like

  • Feeling self-conscious or anxious about your appearance

  • Frequently comparing yourself and your body to others

  • Often making attempts to change your appearance or weight 

  • Experiencing depression and low self-esteem related to body dissatisfaction 

Body Image Therapy can help you feel better about yourself

I have worked with and been able to help women who, like you, hate their bodies. I know it’s not something you’re proud of, but all your attempts so far haven’t worked in the long term. It’s hard to do all of this alone. I have been able to help women find greater peace and confidence in their bodies. It’s possible not to be disgusted by what you look like in the mirror. Body image therapy can help you respect your body and to think about your body much less than you are currently. 

No matter how long you have struggled with body image issues, I promise you this doesn’t have to be a continued struggle for you. Therapy is a valuable tool in helping you get to the root of your struggle and be able to find relief. 

body image therapy can help you develop self compassion

A group of diverse women of ethnicity and body size standing in exercise clothing smiling. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides eating disorder treatment, EMDR for eating disorders, and therapy for anxiety in Utah.

My approach to helping you overcome your body image issues is first to accept that it’s ok if you are never thrilled about your body. If you never host any body positive pep rallies for yourself, that’s totally fine. I am not here to convince you that you need to love every part of your body to get better. I want you to be able to respect your body, be kind to it, and give it the compassion and care it needs. I also, most of all, want you to stop having to think about your body so much overall. The amount of time you spend thinking about how much you hate it, I would love to help you decrease that by a lot. 

What’s holding you back from starting body image therapy?

It’s easy to believe that your body image issues are something you can just get over. You might feel embarrassed about struggling with body image, especially because others have dismissed your feelings before. I was to assure you that your struggle is valid and important. It’s not something you can just snap your fingers and be done with. I think you know that deep down because you’ve tried. 

You might also believe you don’t have the time to fit one more thing into your schedule. You don’t want to have to find childcare or have to travel for something for yourself. First of all, you deserve help, but I also understand convenience is important. I offer online counseling so you can have body image therapy in the comfort of your own home. This also means if you are located in Logan, St. George, or Cedar City, I can work with you through a face-to-face video call. 

Get help with your body image issues by working with a body image therapist in Utah 

A black woman working on her laptop. This represents how Maple Canyon Therapy provides anxiety therapy, eating disorder therapy for eating disorder symptoms, and eating disorder therapy.

You don’t have to keep hating your body forever. You can feel content with what you look like without changing your appearance. There are many reasons for body image therapy. Body image therapy can help. This Utah Counseling Clinic has a body image therapist that can help! To start working on your body image issues, follow the steps below: 

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with a body image therapist in Utah

  3. Begin finding peace with your body

Other Mental Health Services at Maple Canyon Therapy

Body Image Therapy isn’t the only service I provide at This Utah Counseling Center. Other Mental Health Services Maple Canyon Therapy provides include: eating disorder counseling, anxiety treatment, EMDR and trauma therapy, and therapy for binge eating.